Protected: Margin Checker

  • See Also: Role Pricing Look Up
  • This tool will let you check the $ and % margin between an hourly staff rate and hourly charge out rate between currencies.
  • This tool will not add a margin to a staff rate to tell you the charge out rate. Use the Pricing Sheet for this.

How it Works: Both the inputted hourly staff rate and the inputted charge out rate are converted to an AUD approx hourly rate. The calculator then works out the difference between the two numbers.

What is an acceptable margin?

  • Full time roles should have a minimum margin of AUD $2.80
  • Part time roles should have a minimum margin of AUD $3.90
  • Most roles on average will be 25% margin. If a role has lower than 22% margin, this may be a red flag – double check the $ value is okay
  • Higher rate roles will have a lower % margin, and lower rate roles a higher % margin.
  • PT roles have higher % margin than FT roles.
  • The charge out rate look up should roughly match the table tab in the Pricing Sheet.
  • Higher margins are always better, but you can use discretion to accept lower margins if it saves a deal or helps retention – if in doubt, ask a manager or post in a group chat.